reconstructive plastic surgery

The History of Plastic Surgery

The History of Plastic Surgery

My chosen area of specialty, Plastic Surgery, is arguably one of the best known fields of medicine, but often for all the wrong reasons. However a quick look back at the history of this profession will open your eyes to the power of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery to transform lives, and explain why it continues to spark my passion.

I want to be in control

I want to be in control

Nina Remollino is a brave woman, not only because of the surgery choices she made for herself, but because she also chose to share her story. It is her hope, as it is mine, that this will help other women to feel more comfortable expressing their own wishes for their bodies to their doctors.

Don't forget to sparkle!

Don't forget to sparkle!

A wrap up of my week delivering surgical education in Vietnam. It was a pleasure to be able to pass on ear reconstruction and microtia techniques, and it also struck me that teaching others requires me to hone my own skills and to reflect deeply on exactly how and why I make decisions. It is an intense experience but certainly makes me a better surgeon.

Paper Accepted for Publication

Paper Accepted for Publication

“In the Eye of the Beholder: Changes in Perceived Emotion Expression after Smile Reanimation” is my paper on the application of artificial intelligence software to assess the emotionality of smiles in facial palsy patients. It will be published shortly in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal.