First appointments are $280 and could last up to an hour. If you bring a valid referral from your General Practitioner (GP) or other specialist, you should be entitled to a $81.30 rebate from Medicare*.

Secondary appointments are $180. Again, with a valid referral you should be entitled to a $40.85 rebate from Medicare*.

Surgical fees are determined based on your particular needs. We will provide a full quotation after you have met with Dr Dusseldorp and he has discussed your options with you.

Post-operative follow-up appointments (for example, for suture removal) are included in your surgical fee, and usually take between 15 - 30 minutes. 

Note that Health Funds do not contribute to rebates for procedures performed in rooms. If your procedure is non-cosmetic or attracts a Medicare Item Number, you should be entitled to a Medicare rebate.

*If you don’t have a referral, you can still make an appointment with Dr Dusseldorp.